The TOP-IX Consortium is open to all operators in the field of Internet access/services provision in Italy and also internationally, especially to those who provide or promote new technologies for the dissemination of Internet service.
The benefits for operators of a connection to an IX are:
Furthermore, by joining TOP-IX, you will have the opportunity to become part of a large network and will be able to access a series of exclusive services, such as training courses (Network Academy), updates on events.
Before submitting your membership application, we invite you to read our Statute in its entirety along with the related definition of the current consortium fees.
For any doubts or questions, you can contact the TOP-IX team at the following email: staff@top-ix.org
To express the intention to join the Consortium, it is necessary to make a request by sending a letter of intent declaring that you meet the admission requirements and that you are aware of and accept without reservation the rules of the Statute.
The membership application letter must be addressed to the TOP-IX Executive Board and must be sent to the legal address of the TOP-IX Consortium (Via Maria Vittoria, 38 – 10123 Torino (TO), Italy) or via certified email (PEC) addressed to consorzio.topix@pec.it.
The membership applications received will be analyzed to verify the necessary requirements related to the company. The requests are presented for approval by the TOP-IX Executive Board during its meetings.
The Executive Board makes a decision and provides formal notification to the applicant, both in cases of acceptance and rejection.
In the event of a positive outcome, the Executive Board sends formal notification by registered mail to the applicant of the decision made, simultaneously requesting the payment of the Joining Fees.
The Joining Fees are defined as a multiple of JFU (Joining Fee Unit = 1.000€).
Specifically Joining Fees = N x JFU where N < NMAX. NMAX represents the maximum number of representation shares, distinguishing between PUBLIC (NMAX = 1100) e PRIVATE (NMAX = 500).
Upon receiving notification of the successful bank transfer and verifying the actual crediting of the amount, the company applying for consortium membership acquires the status of Consortium Member.
All consortium members are required to pay an annual Membership Fee of €1,600.
On the “Useful Documents” page, you can view the complete and updated document of the Consortium’s Price List.
In case of doubts, questions, and further information about the membership procedure, annual costs, and documentation, you can contact the TOP-IX team at the following email:
Before submitting your membership application, we invite you to read our Statute in its entirety along with the related definition of the current consortium fees.
For any doubts or questions, you can contact the TOP-IX team at the following email: staff@top-ix.org
To express the intention to join the Consortium, it is necessary to make a request by sending a letter of intent declaring that you meet the admission requirements and that you are aware of and accept without reservation the rules of the Statute.
The membership application letter must be addressed to the TOP-IX Executive Board and must be sent to the legal address of the TOP-IX Consortium (Via Maria Vittoria, 38 – 10123 Torino (TO), Italy) or via certified email (PEC) addressed to consorzio.topix@pec.it.
The membership applications received will be analyzed to verify the necessary requirements related to the company. The requests are presented for approval by the TOP-IX Executive Board during its meetings.
The Executive Board makes a decision and provides formal notification to the applicant, both in cases of acceptance and rejection.
In the event of a positive outcome, the Executive Board sends formal notification by registered mail to the applicant of the decision made, simultaneously requesting the payment of the Joining Fees.
The Joining Fees are defined as a multiple of JFU (Joining Fee Unit = 1.000€).
Specifically Joining Fees = N x JFU where N < NMAX. NMAX represents the maximum number of representation shares, distinguishing between PUBLIC (NMAX = 1100) e PRIVATE (NMAX = 500).
Upon receiving notification of the successful bank transfer and verifying the actual crediting of the amount, the company applying for consortium membership acquires the status of Consortium Member.
All consortium members are required to pay an annual Membership Fee of €1,600.
On the “Useful Documents” page, you can view the complete and updated document of the Consortium’s Price List.
In case of doubts, questions, and further information about the membership procedure, annual costs, and documentation, you can contact the TOP-IX team at the following email: