Service fees

The use of Consortium infrastructure requires the payment of a Service fee (on annual basis). The amount of the fee is determined according to the type of options requested by the connected network. Since this year there are the following port categories:

  • Peering where only Public Peering VLAN (VLAN4) is available to setup Bilateral or Multilateral BGP sessions within connected ASNs;
  • Marketplace to allow certified Members to sell their services (eg. IP Transit, Direct Cloud Access, etc.) to other members of the Consortium on Private VLANs;
  • Transport focused to setup point to point connections for private usages (eg. backhauling) of each member connected to Consortium infrastructure. 

Peering Service (for Members)

The Peering service consists of an access port (capacity of 10 Gbps or 100 Gbps) and a maximum bandwidth for exchanged traffic.

Access Port (Capacity) Activation Annual Fee (€)
10 Gbps 0 1,000
100 Gbps 0 3,000
Maximum Bandwidth Activation Annual Fee (€)
 1 Gbps  0 1,400
5 Gbps 0 4,400 
10 Gbps 0 5,400
20 Gbps 0 8,300
40 Gbps 0 14,700
100 Gbps 0 26,300


Peering Service (for Not Members)

The Peering service consists of an access port (capacity of 10 Gbps or 100 Gbps) and a maximum bandwidth for exchanged traffic.


Access Port (Capacity) Activation Annual Fee (€)
10 Gbps 1,000 2,000
100 Gbps 2,000 4,800
Maximum Bandwidth Activation Annual Fee (€)
5 Gbps 0 6,400 
10 Gbps 0 7,300
20 Gbps 0 11,500
40 Gbps 0 19,600
100 Gbps 0 33,000


Marketplace Service (SELL)

Service Activation Annual fee (€)
10 Gbps
o 3,000 
100 Gbps 0  25,000
Service Activation Annual Fee (€)
VLAN Geo 0  900
VLAN Metro 0  300


  • To be accredited on Marketplace portal
  • Only CORE nodes
  • Terminated only 1 VLAN per unique member per CORE node

Marketplace Service (BUY)

Service Activation Annual fee (€)
10 Gbps
o 9,400 
Service Activation Annual fee (€)
VLAN Geo 0 900
VLAN Metro 0 300


  • Sonly for new activations o upgrades (on node with activated ports)
  • Dedicated to Marketplace buyers
  • VLANs need to be associated with marketplace ports (remote node), only n°1 VLAN per vendor per remote node
  • A single node on the entire infrastructure for each Consortium Member

Transport Service (for Members)

Service Activation Annual Fee (€)
100M 0 2,500
1 Gbps 0 6,000
10 Gbps 0 11,600
100 Gbps To be agreed To be agreed
Service Activation Annual Fee (€)
VLAN Geo 0 900
VLAN Metro 0 300

POINT-TO-POINT Transport Service

The POINT-TO-POINT transport service is available only for new connections. The service is subject to technical feasibility, therefore, for more information, please contact us at

The POINT-TO-POINT transport service  consists of an access port (capacity of 10 Gbps or 100 Gbps) and a maximum bandwidth for exchanged traffic.

Access Port (Capacity) Activation Annual Fee (€)
10 Gbps 0 1,000
100 Gbps 0 3,000


Service Activation Annual Fee (€)
10 Gbps 0 5,000
100 Gbps 0 15,000

METRO (Only TORINO e MILANO – Protected)

Service Activation Annual Fee (€)
10 Gbps 0 4,000
WI-PIE (ONLY protected)* 

Service Activation Annual Fee (€)
10 Gbps 0 9,000

* Service available only for Code and Backbone nodes

Discount and promotions


  • 10% discount on the additional ports of the same type (Peering, Transport, Marketplace) in the same node
  • 50% discount on port fees for academic and research institutions


  1. VLAN METRO: VLAN within two PoPS in the same Metro area. In case of Metro within 2 ports of same PoP ( in case of same PoP there is NO charge).
  2. VLAN GEO: VLAN within two PoPs not belonging to the same metro area.
  3. 1Gbps ports are no longer purchasable with direct access but only with a reseller partner (remote peering).

Peering services are also available with a Member Partner that allows the access of different remote Autonomous (Remote Peering): please refer to that section for more details. 

In case of Marketplace/Dedicated Ports, private VLANs are available for these purposes. Other IXP partner (Lyonix, VSIX and France-IX) VLANs belong to this group: for France-IX max capacity is limited to 100Mbps for each network. VLANs (METRO and GEO depending on network topology) can be configured within 2 ports of different members (Marketplace) or of same member (dedicated port). A member can request a single private VLAN propagated on different (more than 2) ports. Service fee applied amounts to (number of ports -1) X VLAN Service Fee.

In selected locations, TOP-IX offers a housing service in the amount of three rack units per Member in shared spaces (200 Watt max), dedicated exclusively to host network transmission equipment (the installation of equipment such as servers, storage, etc. is not permitted). The service is to be considered included in the interconnection service fees paid by the Member in the same site.

The housing service is available in the following TOP-IX locations: AL001, AT001, BI001, NO001, VB001, VC001, CN001, IV001, FOS01, RIV01, AVI01, BUS01, SUS01, OUL01, BAR01, AT002, BI002, IV002, NO002, SSP01, VB002, VC002, SET03, SET04, RPC01, PIN01, FRO01.

Cabling to TOP-IX PoP is in charge of connecting network. In sites following sites cabling is only possible and direct connections within members devices are not allowed: TO-CSI, Ivrea, Biella, Vercelli, Novara, Verbania, Alessandria, Asti, Cuneo, Fossano.

Moreover TOP-IX provides services within Val di Susa following a digital divide contrast policy.

Service Fees do not include:

  • housing costs in addition to the above mentioned 3 RU;
  • cost of the connection between member headquarters and TOP-IX headquarters;
  • configuration of member equipment;
  • Consortium Joining Fee and Membership Fee;
  • Membership to the Consortium Development Program (Development Program Fee).
  • housing costs in addition to the above mentioned 3 RU;
  • cost of the connection between member headquarters and TOP-IX headquarters;
  • configuration of member equipment;
  • Consortium Joining Fee and Membership Fee;
  • Membership to the Consortium Development Program (Development Program Fee).

For more information, please contact  TOP-IX team at

