Network evolution, 5G and Edge Computing

By in Consortium, Events, InternetExchange

The TOP-IX MEETING is the annual appointment in which partners and members meet to discuss and deepen the topics of interest in the field of network infrastructure, internet traffic and, more generally, the world of Internet technology, its economic models and its impact on society.

For the 2019 edition the day will be organized as follows:

  • a technical panel focused on Peering and the Evolutions of Interconnections;
  • a panel of national and international speakers where we will discuss about the theme of “Network evolution, 5G and EDGE COMPUTING: only for big players or others can play the game?”

During the day will take place sessions of meeting “one to one” between the participants, which are organized and managed through an application in complete autonomy among the subscribers.

Programme [Draft]

9:00        Registration and Welcome coffe

12:45        Lunch

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